It’s never too late to have your home inspected
Most home inspections take place prior to subject removal when potential buyers are in the advanced stages of purchasing a home, and doing their due diligence. Approximately 95% of industry inspections are pre-purchase inspections.
But hot real-estate markets have put pressure on Realtors and buyers to present stronger, more aggressive offers, and some buyers are skipping inspections.

The truth about buried oil tanks
A good home inspector will always advise you: If you’re considering buying a home built in the 1950s or earlier, it’s a good idea to hire a certified oil tank inspector to perform an oil tank sweep of the property. An underground storage tank (UST) specialist will be able to tell you definitively whether or not there is an underground oil tank that could potentially cause you stress or financial burden down the road.

Preparing for inspection day: Be ready for your home inspection
Buying a house is exciting, and it can also be a stressful and complex process. There’s a lot going on, and deadlines usually come quick.
It’s important that you do a bit of research and schedule a home inspection by a trusted, reputable company. Then, follow these steps to make sure you’re fully prepared for inspection day.